For An Ecosystem To Be Balanced, The Number Of Producers Must Be

For an ecosystem to be balanced, the number of producers must be

Good Day

Ecosystem system is the interaction between biotic and abiotic factor. Biotic factor are the living things, abiotic factors are environmental variable that can affect or influence the biotic factor like, temperature, moisture, wind, air, humidity etc.

In the biotic factor, Plants are considered as the primary producers (autotrophs) since they can produce its own foods. Consumer always depends on the producers to survive.


                           grass     →                   cow              →          tiger  

                               ↓                                ↓                              ↓

                       producer   →      primary consumer  →  secondary consumer

                               ↓                              ↓                                         ↓

                   1000 energy                  100 energy                         10 energy                

In the diagram above, grass can only give 10 % energy to cow and the cow can only give 10% energy to the tiger. Energy was consumed by metabolic purposes that is why only 10% can be transferred.

Number of producers should be much greater compared to the number consumer to support the energy needed by the consumer.

Hope it helps.....=)


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