How To Prepare On Earth Quake

How to prepare on earth quake

Good Day...

Earthquake is inevitable to happen. In the Philippines, the only time you know that there is an earthquake, is when the ground is already shaking. There is no device that can predict when will earthquake occur although seismograph is a device used to record and detect surface wave and body which will be released during earthquake. There are 4 types of wave that will be released during earthquake such as p-wave, s-wave, love wave and rayleigh waves.

P-wave is the fastest, Japan will automatic sound the alarm when the seismograph detect a p-wave which give them a couple of seconds to prepare before ground shaking occur.

Before Earthquake:

1. Increased awareness on what to do before earthquake occur.

2. Preparing survival kit ready just in case earthquake will happen.

3. Identify safe places and open space and take note of them. Always look for the evacuation plan upon entering a mall.

4. Have a list of emergency numbers to easily contact them during emergency.

5. Make the surroundings of your house ready by securing the materials inside your house.

6. hazard mapping to identify hazard in your house.

7. Have an earthquake drill in your house or at work to prepare any members of the family or in the workplace.

Hope it helps....=)


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