What Messages Were Presented About Being A Man Or A Woman?

What messages were presented about being a man or a woman?


The message presented is that man and woman are equal in their role in competing the challenge. In the Nike commercial "men and women challenge", they are both equally competitive to finish the line. They have their own ideas on how they do it and the woman didnt think that she is inferior compared to  the man, they just do whats supposed to be done.


Gender is not the issue in any competition. If you are a male of a female, both of you have equal opportunities and ideas in any circumstances. You both have the right to decide and both of you have the freedom to choose.  

Today, we cannot give the impression that the boys are superior than the girls in all aspect. Boys and girls have different role in our society and we have to respect that. If your boss is a girl, then do not think as if you are superior to her, just do you job and she will do her. You just have to cooperate to maintain a cooperative relationship.

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